1 John 1:1-4.
1Here is what we announce to everyone about the Word of life. The Word was already here from the beginning. We have heard him. We have seen him with our eyes. We have looked at him. Our hands have touched him. 2This life has appeared. We have seen him. We are witnesses about him. And we announce to you this same eternal life. He was already with the Father. He has appeared to us. 3We announce to you what we have seen and heard. We do it so you can share life together with us. And we share life with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4We are writing this to make our joy complete.

Introduction of the Book of First John. 

1, 2, and 3 John authorship have from earliest times, been attributed to the Apostle John, who also wrote the Gospel of John. The Book of 1 John was likely written between A.D. 85-95. The Book of 1 John seems to be a summary that assumes the readers' knowledge of the gospel as written by John and offers certainty for their faith in Christ. 
John wrote this letter to set the record straight on some important issues, particularly concerning the identity of Jesus Christ. He also writes on the Subject of God’s love. 

1. In the first verses of the Book, John defines the purpose of writing; 
Verses 3; We announce to you what we have seen and heard. We do it so you can share life together with us.
 1a. How does learning from the book makes us “share life together” with the Apostles?

In Verses 4 He states; ‘We are writing this to make our joy complete”.
1b. How do you think their joy will be completed by reading the book?

2. The book starts by saying; “1 Here is what we announce to everyone about the Word of life. The Word was already here from the beginning. We have heard him.”

2a. what is this “word of Life” which was already here in the beginning?
2b. Do you have any scriptural backing for your answer in 2a?

3. Verses 2 states; “….we announce to you this same eternal life…” who or what is this eternal life? 


 John states that; verses 1&2 “…We have seen him with our eyes. We have looked at him. Our hands have touched him. 2This life has appeared. We have seen him. We are witnesses about him. And we announce to you this same eternal life…”. 
In all the verse 1-4. He seems to share that the Book of 1 John is about a person – a Personal God that revealed himself to the Apostles. He seems to point out that the book should not just be read like any story book but through it, experience Jesus Christ. Our prayer should be that as we study this Book, we actually experience the Person of the Book; the Lord Jesus Christ.