City Life Church is a part of the Antioch Network;

The Vision

Antioch Network aims to make disciples of Jesus Christ by multiplying churches


A project to plant 16 new churches over six years. 10 done already. 

This is not about buildings - a church is a community of people centred upon Jesus Christ.  When they grow to about 50 people, the idea is to plant out another church, rather than grow bigger.

Events and Programs: 2025

 Discussion 1

What are your expectations for the year?

- For yourself and church

Which other meeting are you interested In most?

City Life Church.

City life Church Is a Diverse Christian Community that seeks to make disciples of Jesus 

2025 expectations

a. City Life Church grows as a diverse church of Cantonese, English, French, Portuguese,  Persian etc speakers to 50  members in every meeting. 

b. Have leaders to lead the various language groups. 

c. Everyone’s participation in; 

Book table outreach

Online outreach

Other ministries

In 2025, we will also take advantage of Network events and resources

Eg; REAP Course, 

Weekend away in May

Discussion 2 

Can you reach-out to someone this year?

Who and how?


Every Church in the network has daily expenditures it has to meet in running the Church. 

These included rents, salaries, bills etc. 

1. Network contributions. 

- Offerings 

- Money Gifts 

In 2024, our target was 10,000 pounds but we did about 6,000 pounds. 

2. Internal funds

- Food

- Persian Ministry 



Matthew 28: 18 Then Jesus came to them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 20Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end.”

We are to grow as Jesus’s disciples and to make others disciples. 

Population of Manchester : 2,812,000

In 2025;

Talk to someone

Share some love

Embrace the difference

Prayer for someone

Minister in the City

Know that Jesus loves you

Do not be afraid

Do not worry. 

God bless you.