33. How very rich are God’s wisdom and knowledge!
How he judges is more than we can understand!
The way he deals with people is more than we can know!
34 “Who can ever know what the Lord is thinking?
Or who can ever give him advice?” (Isaiah 40:13)
35 “Has anyone ever given anything to God,
so that God has to pay them back?” (Job 41:11)
36 All things come from him.
All things are directed by him.
All things are for his praise.
May God be given the glory forever! Amen.

1. what do you think the nature of God is like?

2. Is God a personal or impersonal being?

3. In the Verses above, Apostle Paul explains that;
   i. God Judges more than we can understand verse 33
  ii. No one is wise enough to advice God. Verse 34
  iii. He gives everything we see and have. Verse 36

  a. What should we think about God when we see people die?
  b. Can we trust God when we face disappointments? Why?

4. If God is so great and yet loves us, what should our response be?

5. Verse 36 says; “all things are for the praise of God”, what does this mean?

6. Can you share any personal experience you have becoming a Christian, of these attributes of God in verse 33 – 36?