Romans 6: 15-23

15What should we say then? Should we sin because we are not ruled by the law but by God’s grace? Not at all! 16Don’t you know that when you give yourselves to obey someone you become that person’s slave? If you are slaves of sin, then you will die. But if you are slaves who obey God, then you will live a godly life. 17You used to be slaves of sin. But thank God that with your whole heart you obeyed the teachings you were given! 18You have been set free from sin. You have become slaves to right living.

19Because you are human, you find this hard to understand. So I am using an everyday example to help you understand. You used to give yourselves to be slaves to unclean living. You were becoming more and more evil. Now give yourselves to be slaves to right living. Then you will become holy. 20Once you were slaves of sin. At that time right living did not control you. 21What benefit did you gain from doing the things you are now ashamed of? Those things lead to death! 22You have been set free from sin. God has made you his slaves. The benefit you gain leads to holy living. And the end result is eternal life. 23When you sin, the pay you get is death. But God gives you the gift of eternal life. That’s because of what Christ Jesus our Lord has done.

1. Paul uses slavery as an analogy. What does it mean to be a slave? Vers 19

2. The Bible explains that there are two masters; Master Sin and Master Right Living(God). The Chapter explains that we used to be servants of Master Sin but now we are Servants of Master Right Living. Discuss. Vers 20, 21

3. The power of the “truth” brings liberty. The word of God is truth. the Bible explains that we are servants of right living now, not in future. Can you accept this truth? Vers 18


4. The Bible explains that we are servants of `God. Slaves bought by God from Master Sin. When you are born into a family, you receive inheritance but when bought, you have obligations in honour or appreciation of your Master God. Vers 22

What is our obligation to God in avoiding sin?


5. What made us right with God? Is it - a; the Laws of Moses b; good morals. C; hard work or d; Jesus Christ? Discuss. Vers 23