Jesus left and went back to his hometown. His followers went with him. On the Sabbath day Jesus taught in the synagogue, and many people heard him. They were amazed and said, “Where did this man get this teaching? How did he get such wisdom? Who gave it to him? And where did he get the power to do miracles? Isn’t he just the carpenter we know—Mary’s son, the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And don’t his sisters still live here in town?” So they had a problem accepting him.

Then Jesus said to them, “People everywhere give honor to a prophet, except in his own town, with his own people, or in his home.” Jesus was not able to do any miracles there except the healing of some sick people by laying his hands on them. He was surprised that the people there had no faith. Then he went to other villages in that area and taught.

Jesus Sends His Apostles on a Mission

Jesus called his twelve apostles together. He sent them out in groups of two and gave them power over evil spirits. This is what he told them: “Take nothing for your trip except a stick for walking. Take no bread, no bag, and no money. You can wear sandals, but don’t take extra clothes. 10 When you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. 11 If any town refuses to accept you or refuses to listen to you, then leave that town and shake the dust off your feet[a] as a warning to them.”

12 The apostles left and went to other places. They talked to the people and told them to change their hearts and lives. 13 They forced many demons out of people and put olive oil on[b] many who were sick and healed them.


Read verse 1-6

1.                  How did the people from Jesus’ hometown respond to Jesus? What do their 5 questions tell us about their preconceived beliefs? What preconceived ideas about God may hinder us from knowing God deeper?


2.                  Why did Jesus mean in verse 4? What struggles do we encounter in our hometown when we share the love of Jesus? How do we handle other people’s rejection of our faith?


Read verses 7-13

3.                  Why is this a significant moment in the New Testament?


4.                  When Jesus sent out his disciples, what did he tell them to DO and NOT DO? How does this passage challenge our sense of self-sufficiency? How can we have a greater dependence on God's provision?